5. Pray for the outward peace and tranquility of your nation, and the continuation of its liberty. 

By: O. Palmer Robertson | Date: October 9, 2024

During this election season when many are especially focused on the state and future of our nation, let us cry out in prayer to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

“Make peaceful relations be our governor, righteousness the supervisor of our businesses.  Let violence never be heard in our streets, invasion or devastation along our borders.  Let our national boundary lines have the reputation of inviting visitors with the words, “Come in here to find the good news of salvation proclaimed openly,” “Enter here and be free to offer your praise to God.”  Never let our land be termed “Forsaken” and “Desolate.”  Let the Lord delight in blessing his people in this land.  Let him show his special love to them as those to whom he is married.  Let a song be sung by God’s people in this nation when the Lord manifests himself to be their wall of defense.  Let the city of God in heaven find a reflection of its righteousness in our cities.  Let people who maintain truth feel completely welcome as they enter our cities, towns and villages.”

Isa.27:1, 2; 60:17, 18; 62:4

“Let righteousness which exalts a nation abound among us.  Deliver us from national sins which are a disgrace to any people.  Let our peace be as the deep waters of a river and our righteousness as the mighty waves of the sea.”

Prov. 14:34; Isa. 48:18

“Never make our heavens as brass and our earth as iron.  Do not take away your corn and your wine in their seasons.  Give us rain moderately in its proper season, both the early and the later rains.  Let our land yield her increase, and our trees their fruit.  Reserve the appointed weeks of harvest for us, giving us fair weather in all the various seasons of the year.  Let us eat our bread in peace and be fully satisfied, living safely in our land.”

Deut. 28:23; Hos. 2:9; Joel 2:23; Jer. 5:24; Lev. 26:4, 5

“Abundantly bless our provisions.  Satisfy our poor with bread.  When they gather in their harvest, let them eat and praise the Lord.  Do not blow away what our hands have gathered in.  When we expect much do not let it end up being very little.  Heap your blessing on our blessings, that all nations may call us blessed, a land filled with delights.”

Psa. 132:15; Isa. 62:9; Hag. 1:9; Mal 3:10, 12

“Be a wall of fire around your people in our land.  Be the glory in our midst.  Let the gospel be our glory, and let a canopy protect its honor.  Create for your people a cloud to cover them in the heat of the day, and a flaming fire to give light and protection for them by night.  May peace be within our borders and security within our walls.  Let your people rejoice whether their travels take them far away, or they stay near to home.  Let your people invite all nations to come and worship with them at your holy mountain.”

Zech. 2:5; Isa.4:5; Psa. 122:7; Deut. 33:18

Taken from Intercessory prayers for ‘Your Own Land and Nation’ in A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, edited and revised by O. Palmer Robertson (Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 2020 edition), pp. 146, 147

O. Palmer Robertson

Dr. Robertson is a teaching elder. He is the author of several books and articles, primarily viewing the scriptures from the perspective of the history of redemption.

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