During this election season when many are especially focused on the state and future of our nation, let us cry out in prayer to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
“O Savior of your people in time of trouble, do not be a stranger in our nation. Do not be like a traveler that turns aside for just a night. Instead, come and make your permanent residence among us. Our national iniquities testify against us. We have sinned against you. Yet for the glory of your own name do not forsake us.”
Jer. 14:7-9
“Bring genuine repentance for the sins of this people, O Covenant LORD, God of hosts. Cause your face to shine with favor toward us. Show your binding love to your covenant people as you bless their land. Let your salvation be always near those who fear you, that glory may dwell in our land. Let mercy and truth meet together. Let righteousness and peace kiss each other. Let truth spring up out of the earth, and righteousness come down from heaven. Let righteousness go before you to determine the way of your dealing with our nation. Let the Lord give the best for our people, whatever that might be.”
Psa. 80:2, 3; 85:7, 9-13.
Taken from Intercessory prayers for ‘Your Own Land and Nation’ in A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, edited and revised by O. Palmer Robertson (Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 2020 edition), p. 145.
O. Palmer Robertson
Dr. Robertson is a teaching elder. He is the author of several books and articles, primarily viewing the scriptures from the perspective of the history of redemption.