4. Ask the Lord to allow a door to remain open in your nation for the spread of the saving gospel of Christ.

By: O. Palmer Robertson | Date: October 4, 2024

During this election season when many are especially focused on the state and future of our nation, let us cry out in prayer to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

“Let the ruling throne of Christ be apparent among us as an unbroken dynasty that lasts forever through the establishment and maintenance of his church and his kingdom.  Let your sovereignty that governs all nations bring blessing to our people.  Let the candlestick of the church of Christ in the midst of our nation never be removed from its place, though we deserve that it should.  For your people have left their first love.  Never do to us as you did to Shiloh, where you first set your name and then removed it.  Let our people never know what a famine of the word of God means.  Do not make the people of this land be forced to wander from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth seeking some word from you.”

Psa. 45:6; Jer.17:12; Rev. 2:4, 5; Jer.7:12, 14; Amos 8:11, 12

“Be for us the stability of our times and the source of our saving experiences.  Let the fear of the Lord be treasured by our people.  Let the righteous flourish among us.  Let those who fear you continue in our land as long as the sun and moon endure.  Throughout the generations to come let there be abundance of peace, so that children yet to be born may praise the Lord throughout our land.”

Isa. 33:6; Psa. 72:5-7; 102:18

Taken from Intercessory prayers for ‘Your Own Land and Nation’ in A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, edited and revised by O. Palmer Robertson (Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 2020 edition), pp. 145-146.

O. Palmer Robertson

Dr. Robertson is a teaching elder. He is the author of several books and articles, primarily viewing the scriptures from the perspective of the history of redemption.

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