During this election season when many are especially focused on the state and future of our nation, let us cry out in prayer to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
“Direct those that preside judicially over us to make just decisions, ruling in the fear of God. Let them always remember that they judge not for man, but for God, the one who presides over them in their judgments. Let the fear of the Lord continually rest on them.”
2 Sam. 23:3, 4; 2 Chron. 19:6, 7
“Appoint as our judges people who are capable of handling their responsibilities well. Make them incorruptible men of truth, fearing God and despising bribery. Let justice roll on like waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream that never stops flowing.”
Exod. 18:24; Amos 5:24
“Empower our magistrates to retain their integrity. Enable them to defend the widow and fatherless, do justice for the afflicted and needy, and deliver the poor and helpless out of the hands of wicked men. Let our rulers never be a terror to good works, but always to the evil.”
Psa. 82:2, 3; Rom. 13:4; 1 Pet. 2:14
Taken from Intercessory prayers for ‘Your Own Land and Nation’ in A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, edited and revised by O. Palmer Robertson (Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 2020 edition), p. 150.
O. Palmer Robertson
Dr. Robertson is a teaching elder. He is the author of several books and articles, primarily viewing the scriptures from the perspective of the history of redemption.